外汇论坛 外兔财经



发表于 2015-2-12 16:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  欧元集团主席迪塞尔布洛姆周三(211)表示,希腊未能与欧盟就继续欧盟援助计划达成一致,称谈判将在下周一(216)继续。稍早一份报告称,希腊与国际金主已在原则上达成协议,期货和国债收益率受此提振上涨。但此后,希腊财长瓦鲁法基斯(Yanis Varoufakis)则出面指出会谈进展程度有限,但他相信,下周一可能将就希腊援助达成“治愈协议”。此前,瓦鲁法基斯曾表示将寻求对当前的国际援助措施进行“全面的修订”。
  欧元/美元上周大幅上扬冲击5周均线后,无力站稳转头回落,收出上影线很长的小阳线,表示多头力量仍疲软。本周开始 欧元/美元开始连续小阴小阳走势,总体波动非常有限,多空双都表现比较谨慎。日MACD指标金叉向上,KDJ指标死叉向下,表示短线多头动能不足,需要继续回踩下方更强支撑才有出现一波比较大的级别反弹走势。日内建议 欧元/美元在1.13500附近入场做空,目标看向1.1280附近。
发表于 2015-3-1 19:19 | 显示全部楼层

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"Chu said, South body form a variable, and the ice as like as two peas face unexpectedly, not only are all spirit, also is a winner, Chu Nan touched the ice sculpture, murmur:" master, you would have been alive, you live in my heart, even if I die, you will live master, please forgive my; borrow your face to act, I'll let the day a person, I will let the Xuan not strange, live in fear! I'll finish your wishes!" With the southern Chu words, ice slowly melting, melting into the southern Chu Chu Nan in vivo, and return to their original appearance, feel the cold jade blue Yan Wang is more and more urgent call, he drove the coral Xuan blue whale, a head of Yuejin fire. Just fire the sea Chu Nan Yue Jin, will clearly feel around the cold jade blue Yan, into his body, to his pubic region crazy coming, and Chu Nan but not all of the mind on the change over, his mind is in perfect just sudden inspiration come to a wonderful plan, it as he thought of the plan, just ask the magic word sub master appearance to let! Thinking seriously every link,ralph lauren danmark, every step, every little bit, very long after, Chu Nan smiling, quietly say: "Xuan not strange,ralph lauren danmark, wait, wait to bring me a surprise for you." Finish this sentence, Chu Nancai to see inside the pubic region of what actually happens, saw that the cold jade blue Yan Wang malaise blue has disappeared, the color bright many, there is a sense of mystery, cold fire the whole sheet of flames from every pore of the body through the southern Chu, directly into the pubic region, a contact to the cold jade blue Yan Wang, a flash of light, the cold jade blue Yan Wang fire a shake, and bright a. "Previously is water element crystal phagocytic water element force, now round the cold jade blue Yan Wang phagocytic he conceived son sun fire fire?" Chu Nan said,ralph lauren danmark, is a positive tone, then added: "I'll give you a hand!" Chu Nan said, immediately let the body vortex, high rotation speed up, and sure enough, the faster the cold vortex, jade blue Yan into a fast, pubic region inside the Wang Huo that a excited, unexpectedly is no longer escape the multicolored ray of light, but the initiative to close, colorful light also did not exclude the king of fire, the two together. Sensory changes in the pubic region, Chu Nan is not understand why, thought for a while, didn't want to have to understand, Chu Nan also put it aside, then, with the king of Chu Nan also fire, excited, because the coral Xuan blue whale has reached the bottom of flames. This fire bottom, with sparkling blue cold jade! The next screen, don't want to know,ralph lauren danmark, see Chu Nan mopping up fire tens of thousands of years of accumulation of bottom cold jade, full of a storage ring...... When Chu Nan big harvest, Wu day, everywhere, but a lot of people to take up the worry, launched a worry, anger plays a towering rage, sword cut the pie, Tianjian door, cloud Solomon these do not have to say, a piece of clouds, and the delegation of elders day one saw life brand broken, another big surprise shock mad surprised, hurriedly to report,ralph lauren danmark, and finally arrived in the secret place, from inside out voice: "even that things are not good, also a damn." The highest voice though say so, but the one below, still send someone to check, to find out what is going on? Although nearly a day, a place in a number of pieces of strange?



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