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发表于 2003-3-24 18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我刚从美国的《纽约时报》看到读者关于美国在伊战俘问题的评论。都反对战争和讥笑 拉姆斯菲饵德的。

lotus49jc: "Rumsfeld mentioning a breach of the Geneva convention after starting a war of aggression not legitimized by the UN is like a killer complaining that his victim crossed the street though the lights were red. But that is obviously how the Bush administration see international law. All the others have to keep the laws, only the US government are free to do whatever they want. By the way, where are the loads of weapons of mass destruction that were the main reason given for this illegal war? All I can see are the weapons of mass distraction used by the Bush administration."

bmwahlen:"Next, when things get even more embarrassing, Rumsfeld will be calling in the United Nations to take over Operation 'Whose Your Daddy' and get the Coalition of the Willing out of trouble...and if the UN drags its feet...so help us."

"sein0:Here is a line of reasoning from the Iraqi point of view, against which I'd like to hear some arguments. The war is illegal according to international law, since Iraq has posed no immediate threat to the US and the UNSC hasn't sanctioned the use of force against Iraq. This means the US soldiers are illegal combatants, and hence they are not entitled to protection under the Geneva convention. There is a precedent for this with the prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay by the US, who are not treated in accordance with the Geneva convention.

"Based on the illegality of the war and the precedent the US has made for the treatment of illegal combatants, Iraq is free to display and interrogate the prisoners. Neither has they any right to inspections by the Red Cross, access to a tribunal and a lawyer. My questions is, what can prevent Iraq from reasoning like this?"

pbrower2a: "The Geneva Convention prohibits the display of captured prisoners for public humiliation or exploitation. The abuses are imaginable: POWs could be beaten into confessing falsely that their countries have committed crimes or into denouncing their countries or their leaders. Governments that have POWs could expose them to organized mobs that demonstrate anger against the POWs with beatings or other offenses, some of which could cause the death of the POWs. Note that those mobs are likely to contain or be organized by the government.

"Mistreatment of POWs is inexcusable. If anything, fair treatment of POWs is some of the best evidence of the good will of their captors. Mistreatment does harm for decades; there are American ex-POWs who still harbor animosity toward the Japanese due to mistreatment; one can only imagine what Germans and Russians who have experienced abominable treatment in each others' POW camps of like time think of each other. There is a day after; all wars come to an end."

发表于 2003-3-24 19:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-24 19:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-3-24 19:37 | 显示全部楼层


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