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介绍一种交易策略: “The Triple Screen Approach” : II

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发表于 2003-8-24 17:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

       THE  third screen uses intraday trends to help you enter positions.  When the weekly trend is up, you want to buy each time the daily countertrend pushes prices down.  But you also want to protect yourself from the danger that the countertrends may continue even lower.   

       The third screen  helps you benefit from the buying opportnities while protecting you from the risk that the brief downtrend may  turn into a major one. In major doen trends, it helps you benefit from shorting into countertrend rallies while protecting you from the risk that those rallies will become bullish reversals.

      This screen consists of using trailing stop techniques (not to be confused with stop-loss orders).  A trailing buy-stop order trails above the
prrevious day's range on the way down, angling for the upside reversal.  A trailing sell-stop order trails below the previous day's range on the way up to catch a renewed downturn.  

      If the daily oscillotor goes negative on Tuesday while the weekly trend is up, then place a buy order, good for Wednesday only, above Tuesday's high.  If the weekly trend pushes back up, as you expect, you will be "stopped in ," automatically buying a short-term breakout from the intermediate downtrend.  

      If prices continue lower on Wednesday, you remain out of the market.  You lose nothing, but the buy signal remains in effect as long as the oscillator remains in negative territory.  Then, on Thursday you place a buy order, good for one day only, above the Wednesday high.  You  continue this procedure until you are either "stopped in" on an upside reversal or a bearish trend is signaled by the weekly MACD, canceling the buy signal.

    This buy-stop technique is reversed to a sell-stop technique for shorting when the weekly trend is down but the daily oscillators rally into positive territory.  

To be continued with  "Three Screen Summary;   and Maintaining A Stop"
发表于 2003-8-24 22:54 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-24 23:23 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by hu5 at 2003-8-25 03:54 AM:

你说得很对, 大家有机会学一点,哪怕一时学不全。
能用上避免少损失,或多赢钱, 就是目的。
如果你学好了,再来帮助指点我分析中的错误和指导思想问题, 那对大家更有帮助了。 非常希望你和其他有基础的汇友能做到这一点。  对我来说,除了感谢之外, 实在没有任何语言。 尽管放开声说就是了。  因为这是我介绍这些好的东西的目的之一。

对基础略差的,恐怕要慢慢来了。 DOW 理论的三点翻转走势的判别,
可能会更实惠。 下次, 我有机会, 专门出贴,附上图表解说,
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-24 23:41 | 显示全部楼层


      Thus, the triple screen system consists of three consecutive screens or tests, each applied before entering any market position:  

1.  Identify the major trend, using a MACD histogram on weekly charts.  

2,   Identify the intermediate daily  trend running counter to the major trend.  Use short-term oscillators, such as force index, Stochastic or Williams'%R.  When the weekly MACD is bullish, watch for daily oscillotor declines.  When the weekly MACD is bearish, watch for daily oscillotor rallies.

3,     When  the weekly trend is up and the daily oscillator is negative, use a trailing buy-stop technique to enter or add long positions.  When the weekly trend is down and the daily osicllator is positive, use a trailing sell-stop tehcnique to enter or add short positions.  


       Using stop-loss and protect-profit orders is essential in trading futures.  After the triple screen system gives you a buy signal and you go long using the trailing buy-stop technique, your new stop-loss level becomes the low of the day you went long or the low of the previous day, whichever is lower.  That low will rarely be violated because you are trading in the direction of the market tide.  Reverse the procedure in downtrends.  This gives you tight protection with relatively low dollar risk.  

       Conservative traders should buy or sell on the first signal from the triple screen system and stay with those positions until the weekly rend reverses or until stopped out.  Aggressive traders can use renewed buy or sell signals from the triple screen system for pyramiding or adding to the original positions.  

The End
发表于 2003-8-25 12:35 | 显示全部楼层


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