tigerbite 发表于 2003-8-4 12:46

现在我认为是牛二期的尾声, 当价格突破1.1110的时候,会进入牛三期.

qling 发表于 2003-8-4 12:51

Originally posted by zargrant at 2003-8-4 12:25 PM:
我根本不懂的, 尽力对付了, 大家也对付着看看吧, 有什么错误楼主请指出, 谢谢!

littledove 发表于 2003-8-4 15:50

到底是"从牛市到熊市六个阶段" 还是"从熊市到牛市"啊?我都搞晕了。:oh:

zargrant 发表于 2003-8-4 15:58

这是个理解上的问题, 我也很晕-----bull through bear字面上是"从熊市而来的牛市"吧?

反正谈的是牛熊演变, 无所谓先后.

tigerbite 发表于 2003-8-4 17:10


littledove 发表于 2003-8-4 22:18


sharkeater 发表于 2003-8-4 22:35

非常感谢, 楼上各位的翻译和解释

sharkeater 发表于 2003-8-4 22:54


The first Bear Market phase is marked by clear and widespread technical deterioration, even while almost everybody is still feeling extremely bullish. But when everyone who ever is going to buy has already bought, there is only one direction for prices to go --- down.When buying power is used up, there is insufficient demand to absorb the accelarating distribution of stocks by the smart money at current prices, so prices have to move lower. An ever increasing number of stocks already have stalled out and formed potentially bearish chart patterns.But even as stocks break cretical chart support levels, this clear bearish technical evidence is widely ignored by the uninformed masses.After all, fundamental business conditions are still rosy, and "buy the dips" is still the advice of the brokers and the dealers and their paid spokesmen in the media.The public hopes and believes that the "conventional wisdom" of all the highlycompensated Wall Street analysts, strategists and economists is right.Besides, the public has been told that they bought for the long term, and over the long term stock prices always go up.So, stock price declines are met with general disbelief.The public would buy more, if only they were not already fully margined.But they are.So they can't.

fullymargined----仓位满了, (没有钱再从事交易了)
distribution      ----   卖出

to be continued

[ Last edited by qling on 2003-8-4 at 10:58 PM ]

zargrant 发表于 2003-8-4 23:20

好! 非常高兴有地方让我锻炼...我明天早晨再翻译.

北方一狼 发表于 2003-8-5 00:16

Originally posted by sharkeater at 2003-8-4 22:54:
The first Bear Market phase is marked by clear and widespread technical deterioration, even while almost everybody is still feeling extremely bullish. But when everyone who ever is going to buy has ...
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