外汇论坛 外兔财经



发表于 2016-9-9 14:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  昨晚上在ECB的会议后,欧元(1.1270, 0.0006, 0.05%)节节攀升,显示对于相对平静消息面的一种反映,不过随后出现了大幅度下跌,从技术面看应该是冲顶回落,至少短期涨势告一段落。典型的上涨无力(15分钟级别)。操作上笔者认为今天以箱体震荡的态度去对待,关键位置在1.1272.在1.1272上方20点内可以找机会做空,当然要结合RSI指标去寻找一些短线极限点,止损可以放在1.1312.下行的空间也就是箱体底部在1.1240附近。由于是周五,不建议持有到周一,当周解决比较安全。

  欧元昨日冲高后回落,日线小幅收涨,现汇价交投于1.1270附近。欧洲央行隔夜利率维稳符合市场预期,但欧洲央行行长德拉基表示暂时不需要推出额外刺激出乎市场预料,一度支撑欧元冲高并接近2周高位。不过好景不长,在获利回吐和美元指数(94.9443, -0.0512, -0.05%)因良好经济数据而反弹的打压下,欧元回吐了日内的大部分涨幅。今日关注1.1350附近的压力情况,下方支撑在1.1200附近。

发表于 2016-9-10 06:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2016-9-10 06:15 | 显示全部楼层
1, how to see the goods I have to participate in the acquisition?After
3, what should I do when I get the goods?You will receive a notification letter, SMS and e-mail
4, 91 cloud net purchase of goods is genuine? How to guarantee?
cloud net purchase commitments, all goods 100% genuine, can enjoy the manufacturers to provide the warranty service, warranty, enjoy the commodity exchange and return obligations (national three policy).
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Second, the speed is too slow, data transmission timeout, the bank to pay back the information can not be successfully docked in bank trading successfully paid background display failure;
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