汇海神仙 发表于 2016-9-13 14:17


      兴业投资  在布雷纳德鸽派言论拖累美元走低的影响下,周一商品货币全线探底回升,澳元/美元走高至0.7560档,盘中因受上一交易日大宗商品和股市大跌拖累而最低触及0.7495的两周低点,日图收录锤头线。周二亚市盘中澳大利亚公布的8月NAB商业景气指数中规中矩,澳元略微承压。稍后关注中国8月工业生产和零售销售、固定资产投资等数据,作为中国经济的"影子货币",关注数据对澳元的影响作用。  技术上,澳元/美元下探100日均线后反弹走高,长下影线暗示下方护盘明显,但上方依然受5/20日等多重均线压制,反弹力度料受限。1小时图汇价突破20SMA后加速上行,且技术指标朝北,处在积极区域,汇价有望上涨逼近日高位。4小时图上看,澳元/美元自超买区域强烈反弹,但维持在中轴下方,200SMA维持在0.7615附近,20SMA强烈看跌,目前已经下穿200SMA。如果澳元/美元延续上行接近上述均线,则有望获得卖盘提振。若汇价突破主要均线,则有望上行至0.7700区域。  支撑位:0.7490/0.7450/0.7410  阻力位:0.7550/0.7565/0.7600 
        TeleTrade  澳元/美元触底反弹后小幅收高,盘中刷新一周半低点至0.7492,但在纽约尾盘受到美元回落的支撑反弹收高。稍早欧美股市和油价普遍走低,朝鲜再次进行核试验的传言蔓延导致避险情绪升温,也对澳元构成打压。不过在美联储理事布雷纳德发表了鸽派讲话,导致市场对美联储短期内加息的预期快速降温,打压美指震荡回落,并提振澳元等非美货币反弹。今日澳洲将公布8月NAB商业信心和商业景气指数,中国将公布1-8月零售销售年率、城镇固定资产投资年率、规模以上工业增加值年率等数据,料将引发澳元震荡。  关键阻力:0.7585/0.7600/0.7650  关键支撑:0.7520/0.7490/0.7460  技术上看,汇价触底反弹后温和收涨,盘中一度刷新一周半低点。不过目前日图上均线系统仍呈空头排列,RSI掉头朝下;4小时图上可见汇价试图修正隔夜涨幅,短期有可能重新回落并指向0.7520和昨低0.7490,上方阻力看向日高0.7585和0.76。

hddw7059 发表于 2016-9-14 02:39

promotionoften have friends consulting Member Card Alliance, you call every day the network promotion, forum posting, know the answer, in the end what is the network to promote ah? For them, I can only answer these questions very one-sided. Just answer: the use of the Internet platform, a variety of promotional activities, to achieve the effectiveness of marketing is the network promotion, but those of them still confused. Let me starting from the actual work experience to introduce common network promotion methods, this series of articles on the whole is divided into theoretical and practical part, will come from the analysis of development level and the promotion of the website, the following is my promotion information released in India Kung Fu experience together to learn the 21 common network promotion methods: SNScommunity promotion SNS , is a social Internet applications, refers to the relationship between people network. Such as everyone, happy network, friends network, etc.. SNS community to give me the impression that the distance between the users is always able to be more recent, more likely to allow users to accept the recommended products, most of these communities have taken a real name system. Real name system to make everyone feel more real, more credible, but often the business is to use a good heart to win trust.more than the main part of the theory, suitable for junior promotion to learn, but also for the early stages of the site to refer to. The 7 network promotion method is suitable for the foundation of the weak students to learn, the following to share with you, suitable for intermediate promotion and a certain size of the site practical promotion method.Forum promotionForum promotion, that is, the forum for the carrier to carry out all kinds of promotional activities. Forum to promote the first to be familiar with the forum, the current mainstream open source forum for Discuz! And phpwind, the 2 procedures of the market share of more than 80%, so familiar with the use of the 2 forum, is familiar with the most basic forum. When the forum play very well, some forum common promotion methods also is the basic of the space, such as friends private messages, messages, post, post, inviting friends to participate in the activities of the forum posts plus comments, etc..micro-blog promotionmicro-blog promotion, a new promotion of the media, is a way for users to quickly get information, but also for businesses to promote the dissemination of information and tools. To believe that someone's place, there will be marketing. Micro-blog market is not very competitive, the best time to start a formal. After several rounds of micro-blog combat summed up a reason, who have more contacts who have more money.   and News PromotionThenetwork provides a collection, classification, sorting, sharing Internet information resources is a kind of service. Mainly use it to store URLs and related information list, common Baidu collection, QQ bookmarks, Sina favorites; some subscribers can also be attributed to this, such as Google, zhuaxia subscribers, QQ subscribers. The author's analysis of this promotion way to bring the amount of access in general, but from the perspective of SEO analysis, the optimization of the site is still a lot of help.

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